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Daniel Fast

Foods You Can Eat for the Daniel Fast- Vegetables: all fresh, frozen, dried, juiced, and canned vegetables- Fruit: all fresh, frozen, dried (with no added sugar), juiced and canned fruit - Whole grains: amaranth, barley, brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur, millet. Freekeh, oats, purplerice, wild rice, whole wheat, spelt, forghum, rye, quinoa- Beans and legumes: black beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, lentils, peanuts, pinto beans,split beans, black-eyed peas- Oils: coconut, olive, sesame, etc., but not for deep-frying- Nuts and seeds: almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, soy nuts, sesame seeds,hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, pistachios, poppy seeds- Unleavened bread, herbs, spices, and seasonings- Beverages: water, some fruit juice, unsweetened non-dairy milkFoods to Avoid for the Daniel Fast- Alcohol - Added sugars: any foods with added sugar are prohibited, such as agave, artificial sweeteners,brown sugar, cane juice, corn syrup, honey, sugar, molasses, etc. - Meat: beef, bison, chicken, goat, lamb, pork, turkey, fish- Dairy: butter, cheese, cream, milk, yogurt - Eggs are prohibited- Yeast: this includes all leavened bread- Refined grains: white rice, white flour- Processed food: any food with artificial flavorings, colorings, chemicals, additives, andpreservatives are prohibited- Fried food: corn chips, potato chips, French fries, fried vegetables (tempura) etc. - Solid fats: butter, lard, margarine, shortening- Chocolate: milk chocolate, semi-sweet, dark, syrup, cacao- Caffeinated drinksFOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: https://www.biblestudytools.com/biblestudy/topical-studies/whats-the-daniel-fast-and-how-do-you-doit.html#google_vignette

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